Hello, My name is Gustanto, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Guangzhou.
Covid-19 has become a global pandemic. Ever since the beginning of the outbreak at the end of January 2020 up to now, I myself witness extraordinary progress have happened here in Guangzhou.
The Government of the People’s Republic of China has taken the correct emergency measures to tackle the disease.
Covid-19, however, is spreading globally faster than our prediction. Therefore, Countries in the region should work hand-in-hand to control it from spiraling.
The ability of the Chinese government and people to handle such an ordeal shall become an excellent example for ASEAN to share.
Now we are about to enter global economic slowdown where global supply chain is disrupted, and uncertainty may prolong.
I believe the convening of CAEXPO this September will be the best opportunity for ASEAN and China, as the biggest producers in the world, to bridge the gap between world demand and supply.
I am confident that we can overcome the pandemic.
Let’s work together.
CAEXPO let’s meet !
让我们相约中国—东盟博览会!Let’s Meet!
As a member of Myanmar Consulate-General in Nanning, I have witnessed very responsive and effective measures of Chinese leaders to fight against the epidemic. Those measures are widely covered from public health security to financial policy. I also found out that the people of China have been closely and respectfully cooperation with the respective government bodies and follow all the guidelines very well. Those effective collaboration measures make me very impressive on China. Myanmar government donated 200 tons of rice and Myanmar Military donated ninety thousand pieces each of surgical masks, N-95 respirators and safety goggles to China as an humanitarian assistance during the battle against the COVID 19 outbreak.
China is a close relationship not only with Myanmar but also with other ASEAN member countries and thus, I am confident that we will win the battle through close cooperation in near future. Amid the pandemic, I have seen that international and regional cooperation platform is getting closer and stronger along with more advanced development of e-Commerce channels, digital currency and the application of 5G technology. Such opportunities can bring about more expectations and new ideas to the stakeholders who participate in the CAEXPO. Thus, all parties concerned should take effective actions based on the emerging opportunities during the pandemic period to make the 17th CAEXPO a more successful and advanced event.
We would like to meet with all of the participants from ASEAN countries and other participant countries during the 17th CAEXPO and exchange our successful experiences of combatting COVID 19 and moving forward.
Thus, I would like to say “CAEXPO, let’s meet !”
中国—东盟博览会 自治区商务厅 广西贸促会 自治区文化和旅游厅 自治区投资促进局 自办专业展联系方式
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